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Editorial services are like icing on the cake and we know how important that icing is when it comes to our clients and their learners. We provide high-quality solution authoring and copy editing services for the grades from K-12.

Copy editing, textbook editing, manuscript formatting, plagiarism check, proofreading, and fact/technical reviews are the services that we have included in our editorial services. It helps in improving the quality of the item/content. To improve the quality of the services to a further extent, we also provide services like core instruction, supplemental learning tools, and holistic assessment. We understand the impact of well-put content and thus, we make sure that our services do not lack in any measure.

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Editorial Services

EduInsip acknowledges the efforts put in by the writers in developing content that is worthy to be published, whether in soft copy or online portals. Therefore, we provide copy editing services to our clients in order to make their best work look professional and attractive. Our copy editing services expand from checking the errors in grammar and typos to sentence restructure wording choices. We make sure that your work is not just better than the others but is also the best.

Our experts go through the client’s expected requirements minutely without leaving anything important. Moreover, they also study the project guidelines thoroughly in order to maintain the standard of the services. As we provide services for K-12 grades, we adhere our services up to the learners’ level. Our team makes sure that the editing of these textbooks is following proper measures. We look for overall improvement while editing and not just stick to grammatical or typing errors.

EduInsip also has the experts to format the manuscripts written by both aspiring and established authors. Our editors are experienced in providing building guidelines, developing checklists, organizing resource materials, and training teams in style guides to the clients. Our team is also aware of the various authoring platforms and thus, provides the editing services according to the specific demands of the clients. This allows us to provide our clients with the best output.

We, at EduInsip, know how the content can affect the image of a company and that is why we make sure that our clients do not lose their reliability because of it. We provide the services to check whether the content is plagiarism-proof or not. Plagiarism can affect your company’s image massively. Our experts are good at curating content that is plagiarism-free and also provide editorial services to make sure that the content you are using is safe from it as well.

Fact checking and proofreading services by EduInsip ensure that your written content is updated and error-free completely. Our proofreaders make sure that your content doesn’t have any format based errors and check that the hyperlinks are placed right. Moreover, with our fact checking services, we make sure that there aren’t any errors that can lead our clients to embarrassment or any other legal risk. With our editorial services, we guarantee you 100% freedom from such errors and make sure that your content is ready to be published.

Quality Assurance

With EduInsip, you can relax and be sure that your content is free from errors of any kind. Our editorial services are plagiarism-free. Also, to ensure the quality of our services, we provide clear communication and discussion in order to resolve any inconsistencies.
  • Promised unique content
  • Error-free content
  • Standardized performance
  • 100% plagiarism-free guarantee
Good To Know


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About Orbito

Experienced Editors and Reviewers

Our team of experienced editors and reviewers provides different editorial services as described in the upper sections. Below are some of the samples which can be reviewed in order to have a better understanding of our work.

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